Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Moral Stuff;

Alright guys. Due to the huge demand from everyone (more like a few people), I'm back to blog about stuff. :)

So well, I borrowed my friend's moral notes and here I am, going to type everything out pitifully, since we haven't get any.

Bear it in mind that for moral, if you wrote the maksud nilai out NOT exactly the same as below, even if it's one word, you'll get the whole thing WRONG. So memorised it exactly as it was written out.
  • Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan: Keyakinan wujudnya Tuhan sebagai pencipta alam dan mematuhi segala suruhannya berlandaskan pegangan agama masing-masing selaras dengan prinsip Rukun Negara
  • Amanah: Sikap bertanggungjawab yang boleh menimbulkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan orang lain
  • Harga Diri: Kuupayaan dan keyakinan diri agar mampu memulia dan menjaga maruah diri dalam kehidupan
  • Kasih Sayang: Kepekaan and perasaan cinta yang mendalam serta berkekalan yang lahir daripada hati yang ikhlas
  • Hemah Tinggi: Beradap sopan dan berbudi pekerti mulia dalam pergaulan seharian
  • Toleransi: Kesanggupan bertolak ansur, sabar dan mengawal diri bagi menggelakkan berlakunya pertelingkahan dan perselisihan faham demi kesejahteraan hidup
  • Keadilan: Tindakan dan keputusan yang saksama serta tidak berat sebelah
  • Bertanggungjawab: Kesanggupan diri seseorang untuk memikul dan melaksanakan tugas serta kewajipan dengan sempurna
  • Kerajinan: Usaha yang berterusan penuh dengan semangat ketekunan, kecekalan, kegigihan, dedikasi dan berdaya maju dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara
  • Berdikari: Kebolehan dan kesanggupan melakukan sesuatu tanpa bergantung kepada orang lain
Right, I guess after memorising and typing it like hell, I'm done revising moral. xD Please don't make Nicole and my efforts go futile by not memorising it.

Brief points of my day:
  1. Revised the first bab of sejarah and memorised moral nota. (;
  2. Skipped Civic to type the students' info thingy. HELL YEAH!!!
  3. Being too sampat by going around asking what Tze San wrote to Cavell. Shouldn't be that interested man. (I dunno in the end too, so dun ask)
  4. Was being called 'shuai' and 'yeng' by Yong Zheng. LOL MAN. Consider it as both an insult and a compliment.
  5. Tze San got smacked by Tze Donn with a book on her face. Hope she's okay now. :)
  6. Back at home. It's the same o' routine everyday.
Lastly, good luck to everyone for the upcoming dreaded exams!! BREAK A LEG!!!

My skull's gonna crack from trying to remember how heroic Parameswara is by assassinating Temagi. WAIT!! I actually remembered. xD


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Let's start from Friday, shall we? (:

Bought this for my sister for Valentine's (AW-GAWD-I'M-SUCH-A-GOOD-SIS). Nicole bought mangosteen which is so damn fragrant, though she's planning to keep it for herself. Maybe with a little bit of persuading and patience, you might receive that from her one day. (;

Oh yeah, did I mention that I'm willing to share my kindness and help you guys out?! Just gimme a call or something and the deal's on. :DD

The usual science lab craze. JASON AND NICOLE WERE HOLDING HANDS!! Well, technically, they were. It's just a pencil case away and both of their hands will be touched.

But who cares anyways? The main point is they were in an intimate position(?) and seems like having a lover's spat. :DD

Owhkay, I totally forgotten what else had happen except for I wasted my whole day being online and going out with sisters.

Oh yeah, remember to check out Hui Er's blog. There's stuff 'bout me, her and well, me!! xD And there's good stuff in it unlike someone else blog which has full of insults. (:

Before I forget, I wanna thank everyone, yes, including Jun Kid, I know he tried, for contributing into decorating our classroom, though it didn't turn out really nice in the end. Owhkay, scratch that. IT TURNS OUT BRILLIANTLY!! :DD

Happy Valentines Day, people. May you find your loved ones and for the lovebirds in our class - Cavell and Tze San, Jason and Nicole, Tze Donn and Ann Chi, Xi Khai and Jia Ying, or maybe those who secretly like each other subtly,

May Your Love for Each Other Last Forever.

Eww, this sounds so goddamn cheesy. This is just so wrong. At least, coming out from my mouth.

And lastly, Happy Chinese New Year to all!! It was said that there'll be another 30 years or so for both Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day to fall on the same day.

And the most important of all,

Enjoy your holidays and bear it in mind that there's less than a month for exams to come, not that I wanna be a party pooper.

Time is out of our grasp. (:


Friday, February 12, 2010

gossips again...-.-

today's topic: Ng Tze Donn's admires'

* Karmen Lee Kar Munn
* Tan Ann Chi

w-ell... looks like you have juz have 2 damn admires' tze don't get too perasan =X


As sin yun already said in the earlier posts...we were talking about stuff and when we mentioned tze donn's name she turned around. three times we said his name, just to test it out. and, all three times, karmen turned around. nice huh... the science lab, we wanted to tease karmen about tze, we were like: u like tze donn huh~? she kept denial...O.o...i was like OMFG U REALLY LIKE HIM AR???then she took the book and covered her face...OMFG~!!>,<

rain later...bags were getting wet so some students went out to take their bags in..=3 tze donn went out( i think) then. i heard karmen and dollicia talking..."omg tze donn is so shuai~his arms are all wet~xD"< "O.o"< *pukes*<

okay...Ann Chi

science lab again-.-...

tze donn starts answering questions or something...the point is, he starts talking and~ann chi laughs and covers her face...O.o me and sin yun were like~what??? you hear his voice and is too...excited..?? she was like yes..then nonono~!! of course, we just heard the front part and went deaf when she said the other part..=3

i kno lots cuz im just paper~,

==> hey nicole, don't forget, I've the password :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11.


Or you’ll be getting a really good massage on you back. And I can guarantee you it’s waaayyy better than the infamous Thai massage.



According to her, it hurts. But not without adding ‘a little’ after saying it. xD

And I was like, shall I ask HIM to help you put a plaster on your wound??

Too bad she doesn’t want to, coz she wants ME, the good buddy to help her do it, since I’m PAPER. (oh-gosh-I’m-so-damn-persan-but-who-cares?) (:


In the end she decided to use a roller to cover up her wound, but sadly it failed ‘coz rollers are not meant to roll it over the skin.

Yes, including NOSE, since I actually experimented it on my own lovely nose. xD

Oh yeah, can you believe that Nicole was actually saddened that her great idea was ruined? *rolled eyes*

Oh well, that's her and her weird but 'great' ideas. (; *added 'great' to avoid spanking*

As you guys know, I have a list of all the 1A1ians’ particulars, and since now is 12:30 am, on this faithful day, it happens to be the birthday of

The most obsessive, Gay, Perasan, Boastful, NOT At All Quiet and ignores me every time I lecture him


Who happens to think that my sister is hotter than me. (x

Blow the candles.

But don't spit on the cake. Dx

Happy 'Sweet' 13,
Sinyun' (:


Whoa, I just realised that this blog is dominated by all my long entries. IS. xD

Reason for not updating: Pitifully doing my KH folio in the middle of the night or else will get scolded by our beloved Pn. How.

So I guess it’s a good enough excuse huh?

I don’t have to blog everyday, but updating the class blog is like writing a diary nowadays. And if you missed out a day you will feel kinda guilt ‘bout it and start writing what you’ve missed the day before.

So here goes. Dx

Yesterday, I was tired. Tired, not only physically, but tired of everything.

The monotony of my life, how things just keep tumbling down at once and no matter how many times I tried to get your attention, how many times I asked you all to keep quiet, you guys just wouldn’t cooperate.

But then I saw it. The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in these 13 years of my life.
Raindrops glistening in the sunlight, forming rainbows from it.

It rains when it shined. It shines when it rained.

And I guess it goes the same with life too.

In the mist of happiness, rain may come pouring down before you realised what exactly has happened. And while you’re wallowing in sadness, there’s always a ray of light guiding you through hardships. With these two emotions, it creates fragments of colours. The colours of life.

And weirdly enough, I feel tons better after witnessing it.

I'm fine. I'm okay, really. (;

If you consider life in a different angle, in a more optimistic way, things will be okay eventually, I guess.

Life is just that funny sometimes. (:

"I'm glad that I met you," This feeling just, just, Carries a heart that's like the sunset
The night is still Unlike the star After the rain It just, just glows.
-The last two verse are the lyrics of an awesome japanese song. <3

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


oops...sry so long never post already...>,<


tze san and cavell....!!!

I am so TOTALLY sure that tze san likes cavell ler...!
  1. they were sitting together at the back of adrian and zhen donq...(cavell was there 1st following by tze san...) =X
  2. they were kicking each other while laughing like hell (mostly tze san)
  3. cavell's old wound(from 3 days earlier) kinda reopened..==
  4. he complained like hell...just for the fun of it...
  5. tze san gave him a damn PLASTER
  6. she helped him paste it ON HIS LEG-willingly
  7. cavell took it off...(aww....>,<)
  8. zhen donq paste it back forcefully...xD
  9. tze san complaining that the plaster is very expensive....70 sens u know!!
  10. cavell taking the plaster off again and throwing it in tze san's face...=3
  11. LOL!!!!
that's mostly covering it...correct me if i missed out anything~^^

hearing and knowing,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nothing New'

Since I got nothing to do besides flipping through contacts asking people whether we're supposed to do in maths1, 2 or 3 and getting an answer 'sorry, they have slept already', I might as well update something.

Started off the day badly, thanks to a guy who kindly told me that I insulted him in a rather rude way. And told me a whole lot of stuff which doesn't make sense with that damn look and super high pants. And keep screaming in that annoying voice of his.

NO. Screaming + Mumbling.

He offended me. Me, and my personality.

What the heck is wrong with him anyways? Does he have to make me feel like banging my head on the wall every time I talk to him?

Seriously, I couldn't stand it anymore if this goes on. I can't stand it NOW.

It might be hilarious once in a while, but it ISN'T if you're forced to see his cursed face every day and talk to him patiently. And get bugged by all sorts of stupid questions. Every minute in every day.

Gawd, I just realised I wasted my precious 2 minutes talking about a worthless idiot. Sorry for making you guys bearing with my temper and wasting your own precious time too. xD
  • Shengxin lost his pencil case again but later on he found it, thank goodness. (:
So guys, *ahem* please remember that it's important not to misplace stuff, especially pencil boxes, because:

Pencil cases are IMPORTANT. (x
  • While decorating the board, I was grabbing a pair of scissors, some angpau papers and stapler, preparing to cut it into a fish when suddenly something hit me:


And I was like, 'Er, adrian? Do you have any idea how to cut a fish?'

And he just said 'I also dunno.' xD

ROFL. I guess we bypass our old innocent self where we always remember what teacher taught us before and just get excited with decorating classrooms, doing art and crafts, stuff like that.

Those days ain't exactly bad too. (:
  • Called Tze San's name for the 7th time.
She was crazy today. Come to think of it, she always IS crazy. Just that today she was laughing like hell and snatching people's stuff while touching people's hand at the same time. xD

Tze Donn's hand. (x RUMOUR CONFIRMED.

The two Tzes' in our class have gotten together. (;
  • Pn. Siti hated our class, 'coz she came in today with the (horrible) pink-and-black stripy baju kurung of hers with a REALLY sour look. Probably because she stand outside for too long, but still...
There's 20 marks in her hands, and she can deduct it at a whim. She might, or might not be like Pn. Suryati, who knows?
  • Pn. Susan too. Though today we got scolded for the cleanliness of the class, the key word is scolded and that's enough for me to care about.
Pn Susan is teaching 1B4 and 1B5 moral, so she can just walk into out class anytime, any day. And I don't want us to have something she can lecture about every time she stands by the door.

In the end, is us who lose something: marks, reputation, results etc, and what all the teachers lose is just their salivas and breaths.

Even if you don't give a damn 'bout anything, do something for yourself. Do something good for yourself.

I guess getting scolded by Pn. Susan nowadays is nothing new.


Monday, February 8, 2010


Pls remember to bring the textbook,exercise book,art paper and a drawing pencil for art on Wednesday.PLS REMEMBER to bring those things or Pn Suryati MAY write your name in the blue card.Don't blame me if your name is in it.

To those who didn't pass up their anti-dadah poster,pls remember to bring 2morrow or else u got 2 pass up yourselves. (Adrian,Cavell,Tze Donn,Tze San,Soo Kee,Qi Cheng)

I am very busy,so sorry becos the post is not colorful
and sorry if there are any mistakes.

your busy seni wakil

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Please remember that we're using our NEW timetable for tomorrow lessons.

Also, for the girls, PJK homework must be done and HAND IN tomorrow to the wakil, though we've change teachers, just in case.

And again, for the girls, please REDO your KH folio if you have done it in Blue Pen, or else Pn. How will probably throw a tantrum and tear your project.

Oh WAIT, she always does that. xD

Please note that everyone should be doing their geography homework, pasting the graphs and completing the exercise.

And anyone who is able to edit HTML codes (NO implying please), tell me or we're not going to have any music for our blog for the rest of the year.

ARGH. Sis nagging. Gotta off now. (:


well...since lucky said all that mean things about me...i'll tell you guys my side of da view...xD

sin yun n wei zhe...xD

as you guys know....we were trying to decorate the class...pkt was nailing the nails n stuff...i was helping you ppl fotostat the timetable...wei zhe, being as kind as he was, volunteered to help sin yun write the titles...also, to draw patterns to make em prettier n stuff...he drew a damn HEART as the decorative thingy....i was like...TOTALLY PWNED~he wanted to draw another 1 but sadly, it was too damned ugly and we stopped him...well, that was BEFORE i knew what he really meant with that particular heart....(sry wei zhe..>,<)

our wonderful frens...adrian n tze donn (one of em) figured it out...wei zhe was helping draw the hearts...which means its for her...okay if ur not dense you'll have got it but sadly, i don't think you do so...>> decoration 4 sin yun (from wei zhe)=heart=heart 4 sin yun...;D getit now?(if you don't ur denser than i thought sry >,<)

tze san n tze donn

well~i don't really know much but....tze san called tze donn darling~O.o right? they were all laughing their heads off..(tze san mostly)

or...tze san n cavell..?

anything is possible~

okay-ie~enough 4 da damn gossips =3 cya guys xD

always listeninng,

Merentas Desa '10.

Can you believe that I wasted my whole day sleeping and putting metsal cream on my legs??

That's what you get for running 5km when you normally don't exercise.

When my friend and I entered the hall, our eyes are blinded with colours. Mr. Collins actually told me that he likes Kuning most as it was the most striking of all. And he's in HIJAU!!!!

Talk about being loyal. (sigh)

I just realised that one good thing about our class is that we're not perverted. Yet. The B6 and A3 guys were fighting over a piece of banana and emphasized that it's his banana. And they actually offered it to Mr Collins, saying that it's good for his 'health'.

Gawd, makes me think of the good o' primary school days. (:

At least it helps me to pass time instead of looking at Pn. Cheam's hideous and baggy old T-shirt. Good to know that she's wearing something else besides her favourite PINK suit. I nearly thought that's her only clothes in her wardrobe man.

And WOOTS!! The B6 KT told me that Pn. Noraini asked her to be 'more active' like the A1 KT or she'll fire her (She's their class teacher.) Though I accidentally called her 'Noraini' in her face. Great reputation ruined pulak?! (x

Started off walking aimlessly with Nicole, but later on she ran off and left me behind 'coz she got impatient. Somehow I just feel like running, so I started walking/running with Chia Shuen, though she's in Merah.

Till I couldn't run anymore. :DD

Halfway through we heard people chanting 'UNGU, UN-GU, UNGU.' I really admire them for their spirit, and I guess this is one of the reasons they win every year. :DD

Sped up when I heard people saying there's still 5 minutes for the time limit to end. Guess I look like a retard running like hell while the prefects cheered on me.

Turns out that we were still late, and well, we're kinda disappointed since we're aiming to help our respective houses to gain marks.

Even my lovely sister got 42!!! And she only went for two practises for these 2 years. (She undergo a heart surgery last year)

Which makes me suck even more. -,-

From what I heard, a big part of us, 1A1ians, didn't manage to gain marks for our houses. Only some like Ying Ying, Pak Ming (I think he got, he was running so goddamn fast!), Tze Donn and Jason succeeded.

We just ain't the best athletes, I guess.

As I was waiting for my Form 5 sis to finish her race (Even SHE, the brainy one, was better than me), Nicole and I were amazed by those tall, lean seniors who were sprinting when suddenly,



What a pleasant surprise. :DD

If merentas desa is counted as a replacement class and is worth going, you're WRONG.

At least that's what I thought so before sitting under the hot sun dehydrating and getting sunburnt for two hours STRAIGHT.

Not to mention shouting lame mottos and doing sutpid gestures every now and then.


Something like that. Such creavity just amazed me.

And shaking your hands repeatitively and shouting some weird language?!

Nah, only the seniors were doing it. Everyone in Hijau just look at them, shocked.

I mean seriously, are we going to do THAT?

I say Hijau you say rocks.







Too bad we only get to say this not as much as other houses do 'coz there's not much winners from Hijau. Only a guy from B6 who doesn't look like he's so damn pro got second. The only Hijau guy in top 3.

I guess Hijau just isn't as good as I expected it to be. But I can't complain since Hijau was unlucky to have a sports retard like me. T.T

But I'm so gonna work harder next year. (:

My favourite one was Biru's sort-of-motto, Gotta get that NUMBER ONE!! xD

Black Eyed Peas FTW!! (x Too bad those in Biru don't really have much team spirit and didn't really shout loudly when the seniors told them.

And you know what? The best damn thing was observing people around us stuffing their faces in their bags or putting a handkerchief on their head just to block the sunlight.

Man, couldn't stop guffawing at their creative minds! xD

It's all just a long race. ;)

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

-Hijau still RAWKS!!!! :DDDDDD
-I'm NOT a Miley Cyrus fan but I
just like the lyrics of this song.
-Don't even know I'm editing
this post.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's All Just A Race.

  1. Tze San got tripped today, and well, I just hope she's okay by now. (;
  2. Decorating the board/classroom was horror. Wasted two relief period of doing nothing but correcting Jun Kid's artistic craft. Can you believe that he actually stapler the lantern, fish and the weird thing (sorry, I have NO IDEA what's that called) and hang it by the door?
  3. Got pissed off by Jun Kid 'coz the anger that I'm containing was threatening to burst. And it did.
  4. Wanna apologise to him for being mad, but I hope what I've told him today will mean something to him. And that he'll keep it to heart.
  5. Got even madder at Zhen Donq for bringing our school mag, Adrian for being big-mouthed, and also Jason and Tze Donn for knowing. Just because.
  6. A new girl, Qi Cheng, from Lick Hung came in today. Welcome, to the craziest class ever!! xD
  7. Pn. Siti has a really bad temper today and actually pulled Hui Er's ponytail just because she talked to me, Nicole and Qi Cheng. She also asked everyone to stand up and chased off those who wanna give out the numbers for merentas desa. Poor Hui Er!! *sob sob*
  8. Pn. Sumathi gave us a briefing 'bout merentas desa which wasted almost half of the class. :D Which is lucky how most of us didn't do our ringkasan...YET!! Dx
  9. Tze San and Karmen were screaming like hell in the science lab which can be heard over the sound of the thunder and noise. Jason got a new gay partner: Yi Hung!! (x

10. Did I mention that Nicole sit on Jason's place with Tze Donn? Soo Kee saw it too and even SHE herself feels that something smells fishy between these two. ;)

Today's Homework:
  • Sejarah nota.
  • BM ringkasan.
  • Chinese workbook.
  • Chinese caligraphy.
*It can be wrong since I'm not in for the last period. Tell me if there's any mistakes.
**Is there someone who can print the words: English, Bahasa Melayu and 华语 (first ever chinese word!!) BIG in colour papers? If you can please inform me. Thanks. (:

Lastly, good luck to EVERYONE for merentas desa!!







Give it your best peeps,

For life's a long race. (:

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb.

-Hijau rawks, HELL YEAH!!!

Plain Silly.

I've absolutely no time to update yesterday, thanks to the goddamn dadah poster, but yesterday was too good, I mean, RIDICULOUS not to blog about.
  1. According to my fwens in 1B5, Mr. Collins told them that Jason and Jun Kid are 'the sweetest boy I've ever met.'
  2. Mr. Collins also tell us that Tze Donn and Jason are 'very good. And they're always quiet.' Man, you wouldn't believe how hard is it to shut them up when YOU'RE not in class.
  3. Tze Donn actually OFFERED me to use his stapler. I should've use more man.
  4. During PJK period, Nicole and I were talking about decorating the classroom (which we're not even halfway done thanks to Jun Kid), we mentioned Tze Donn's name and Karmen was like,'Huh, Tze Donn?'. We said his name for 2 more times to tease her and surprisingly, she DID turn 'round each time.
  5. Nicole is in love. With taking Jason and Tze Donn's pens. (Tip: Ignore 'taking and pens')
  6. Jason and Yong Zheng have taken a step towards a more...intimate relationship. A gay relationship. (Pee/ass: someone saw them tougue-kissing, not confirmed though)
  7. Tze Donn gave Shengxin a 'friendly hug' and Nicole was like gagging (with jealousy?). Shengxin didn't like it much too, unfortunately.
  8. I just realised that almost every post have Jason's and Tze Donn's name. Proof that they're NOT the quietest boy ever. (;
  9. I just broke the record of being online everyday for this week.
  10. My lovely friend actually came to my class and was actually amused by PANG JUN KID!! And he actually shouted to everyone that he LOVES him. Oh gawd, I didn't know you're gay, Franclin.
  11. Remember the short, ugly, fat dude I told you about, Jason? It's HIM!! Maybe you should reconsider about him since he's now officially a gay, though he's still the same o' fugly guy I met years ago. Dx
  12. If you're reading this Franclin, which I know you won't since you don't really bother stuff 'bout me, Mr. Collins actually asked for your name. So you better avoid him next time you see him. (x
  13. Forget my rant of unrelated stuff to our class.
In a nutshell, Mr. Collins shouldn't be fooled by the guys and really is blur. To think that he's always self-perasaning into thinking that he's a great teacher. ==

And don't get too full of yourselves, Jason, Tze Donn and Jun Kid, 'coz you guys are the most aggresive, gay, noisy, braggy, perasan, lame, annoying guys. And NEVER good-looking except for other girls which couldn't find a better guy than you all.

Speaking of Jun Kid, I was telling Nicole the other day that a small part of the guys always wear low trousers. And I said that Jun Kid tried to but failed miserably coz he's too...FAT!! Dx

Oh yeah, can you believe that Jia Ying actually compiled a list of the most gorgeous (PUKE!) guys in our class? (Hope you don't mind that I post it here)

The *ahem* top-7.
  1. XI KHAI!!
  2. TZE DONN!!
  3. JASON!!
  4. ADRIAN!!
  5. YONG TUCK!!
And the other one I forgotten. I even had a hard time remembering the rankings. This...kinda stuff just isn't my thing. I just post it here for entertainment's sake.

Sorry Jun Kid, you just ain't the most-sought guys after all. But my idiotic friend is actually considering you, so you should be glad.

And Tze Donn and Jason, you should be sad that you actually lose to that 'high-pitched voice guy'. In Jia Ying's heart.

Man, what an awesome day!! xD

P/S: Nicole just likes to bully Jason and Tze Donn,
and I just like to tease her about it. (:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Great Reputation.

The first week of February.

The fifth week of school.

The 3rd day of the week.

And the second time we got scolded by Pn. Susan.

Don't you guys feel anything??

Though I have to admit, we weren't exactly loud, like the last time we really got lectured by Pn. Susan. And she didn't go to our class 'for a few times' like she claimed so.

But it was a warning nevertheless. A warning to everyone of us.

We, as AJKs, besides doing our duty according to our respective posts, our job is to manage the class properly and for those who didn't obey the rules, it's our responsibility to copy down their names.

But we choose not to do so. Or at least, I choose not to do so. 'Coz I don't wanna see you guys getting scolded.

'Coz you guys are my classmates.

You guys are my friends.

The people I really care about.

But it comes to a time when everyone of us, especially me, will be forced to hand out the names of those who're noisy to the discipline teachers.

Or we'll get punished. One, for not doing our job well and two, for the unwillingness to say the names out.

I'm not usually a person who'll sell people out but when I'm in a situation like this I have no choice but to do so. But for being noisy and not listening to what the AJKs said, I guess it's a fair punishment for you guys too.

Getting scolded, embarrassed, having your lovely name on the blue card or 'potong markah' by teachers for the sake of fun, for a lively talk, for laughter and for pranks.

Or cooperating with me while having fun at the same time.

Since we are '1AYYY1' students (copyrighted by Jason or Tze Donn) the teachers have so kindly put it, you guys should be able to make a right decision.

The only good thing is.

We just got ourselves an even greater reputation.

Your self-doubting KT,

Homework Again.

Owhkay, today isn't exactly a good day for me as I was kinda emotional and was wrapped up with my own problems. (P/S: It has nothing to do with Pn. Susan's lil' visit. xD)

So well, wasn't really paying attention, so I might left out some homeworks here. And since our 2 other admins ain't the best students ever, it's me again to post the homeworks.

  1. Maths.
  2. BM buku kerja.
  3. Geography nota.
  4. Sejarah nota
  5. Tatabahasa. (BM nota)
  6. Seni.
I wanna thank those who has kindly visited our class blog. I was kinda surprised by the amount of people who bring water colour to school today (those who actually bothered to check).
Thank you all for visiting!! (x

Nicole and I were also thinking of allowing those who're interested to blog to have the password. 'Coz I guess people will get sick of reading what Nicole and I wrote everyday. Anyone who's interested, look for Nicole or me!!


damn sad siaa~

omg 2day kena marah by Pn. Suzan ==...well dats reali sad since its ady de 2nd time n yet its juz de 5th week....zzz..

we need ur cooperation ppl....lower ur voices when u talk pls damnit...>,< if we kena again u know rite, we'll be killed...all of us...>,< we dun wanna copy down ur names n give em 2 de discipline teacher we really don't...okay talk but juz quiet down and listen when the kt asks you to shut up pls...=3

its possible that Mr.Collins will change our places if he gets complaints about our bad behavior u just cooperate or we'll take action..xDD

okay seriously im asking all of you (especially YOU ADRIAN) to listen to our kt, whenever she bangs your table or asks you all to shut up...its really annoying you know...having to shout all the time and its even more annoying being ignored......==

so be grateful that we have a good kt that doesn't wish to get all of you into trouble n give us some cooperation....TQ.

needs cooperation badly,
kesian der bendahari nicol3

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The once rushed BM lesson has turned into a fun-filled Science lesson. Which was waaayy better than Pn. Noorlia's usual boring o' class.

Especially when Jason and Tze Donn commented on Tze San, the-girl-who-laughs-a-lot which equals to attention seeker's fat. xD

Which reminds me. Nicole and I don't have breakfast on a daily basis since 3 years ago, and we're not even fat. Not that we're perasan but c'mon, the fact that we're not as big-sized as XXX shows it all. So this is what 'scientific' research's reliability and standard are nowadays?!

Maybe scientist ain't the world genius anymore. *scoff*

Health facts: The best way to cure obesity is to exercise more. Sports are encouraged.

Jogging, Badminton, Basketball...

Pn. Sumathi says that badminton is the best of all 'games', as she put it, but Nicole and I don't agree.

Point number 1. Imagine a fa-, no, obese person trying to jump up and down to put a basketball in the net, but in vain.

Point number 2. While jumping, focus on his tummy. It will bounce up and down and the fat will be squashed and...

The horror begins. xD

Point number 3. Picture the guy as someone by the name of XXX and you'll agree upon the fact that...

Basketball is indeed the best way to lose weight. :DD

He might not be able to throw the ball in it but his attempted efforts of jumping too many times pay it off. After hours of training with nothing but failure, he'll realise that:

Eh, I'm thinner than before. Quoting Mr. Colins, maybe hardworking people will always get their wish fulfilled.

Aww man. I hope that my wish will be answered too. No homeworks for a lifetime?!

But WAIT. I need to be hardworking to get my wish granted, isn't it? Which means I'll just be hardworking in not doing my homework. Like Adrian's twisted thinking of if you hate that teacher, don't complete her assignments.

Yeah right. As if I would be as idiotic as Adrian. (:

Life still goes on.

It's time to do homework again.

*this post was not intend to offend or insult obese people. It was to encourage them to play basketball more often.(x I watch the biggest loser and was able to comprehend how they feel, and admire them for having the will to make a difference. So i'm not tht kinda bad person, kay? This only served the purpose of giving you guys 'inspiration' to do the ringkasan. Which reminds me something...


Off to do,

Homework, Homework.

Again, another post about the most-dreaded homework. Surprisingly, there's not much today so here goes:
  1. Ringkasan (Find isi) Pg 66.
  2. English Pg 19, section A and B, questions 1 to 5
  3. Science Exercise, copy tables from Pg 17. Exercise 1.4, also from the same page.
  4. Girls only: Paste KH notes into Buku Nota and for those who haven't asked their parents to sign the from please do so. KH folio, refer to textbook Pg 307, 310 and 316.
The seni rep, Yi Qing, has told me that please bring WATER COLOUR and all the other things to school tomorrow. I have no idea what 'the other things' she's referring to, but I guess it'll be the usual art materials.

You'll noticed that the list of homeworks are more in detailed because Zhen Donq has told me that people has suggested to do so as they did not pay attention in class. ==

Right. Please do your homework on time so that you won't get 'potong markah' by those friggin teachers. (This is directed to Zee Hoe and Cavell)

Again, it's

Welcome Them New Ppl

o-kay...this post is just to remind all of u 1A1ians how to behave to new students....
  1. don't scare them by being over-friendly
  2. try not to be too hyper when its their first day..x)
  3. be considerate and don't shoo them off
  4. teach them the ways of...1A1ians..
  5. don't say too much gay stuff around them.wait, don't say any gay stuff at all -,-
well, also, for the wakils of each subject, its your duty to tell the new students what to do, what books they need of that subject, etc etc.

show the new students the spirit of a good 1A1ian~!! ;)

-here now n here always,

It's Homework Time.

Before I off the computer, here is a quick update for today's homework:
  1. Civic nota.
  2. Find photos and infos of tokoh for civic.
  3. BM nota
  4. Maths 3
  5. Science Journal 2
  6. KH folio (girls)
  7. Chinese Caligraphy. (Last week's homework)
:) Ciao!!