Saturday, February 6, 2010

Plain Silly.

I've absolutely no time to update yesterday, thanks to the goddamn dadah poster, but yesterday was too good, I mean, RIDICULOUS not to blog about.
  1. According to my fwens in 1B5, Mr. Collins told them that Jason and Jun Kid are 'the sweetest boy I've ever met.'
  2. Mr. Collins also tell us that Tze Donn and Jason are 'very good. And they're always quiet.' Man, you wouldn't believe how hard is it to shut them up when YOU'RE not in class.
  3. Tze Donn actually OFFERED me to use his stapler. I should've use more man.
  4. During PJK period, Nicole and I were talking about decorating the classroom (which we're not even halfway done thanks to Jun Kid), we mentioned Tze Donn's name and Karmen was like,'Huh, Tze Donn?'. We said his name for 2 more times to tease her and surprisingly, she DID turn 'round each time.
  5. Nicole is in love. With taking Jason and Tze Donn's pens. (Tip: Ignore 'taking and pens')
  6. Jason and Yong Zheng have taken a step towards a more...intimate relationship. A gay relationship. (Pee/ass: someone saw them tougue-kissing, not confirmed though)
  7. Tze Donn gave Shengxin a 'friendly hug' and Nicole was like gagging (with jealousy?). Shengxin didn't like it much too, unfortunately.
  8. I just realised that almost every post have Jason's and Tze Donn's name. Proof that they're NOT the quietest boy ever. (;
  9. I just broke the record of being online everyday for this week.
  10. My lovely friend actually came to my class and was actually amused by PANG JUN KID!! And he actually shouted to everyone that he LOVES him. Oh gawd, I didn't know you're gay, Franclin.
  11. Remember the short, ugly, fat dude I told you about, Jason? It's HIM!! Maybe you should reconsider about him since he's now officially a gay, though he's still the same o' fugly guy I met years ago. Dx
  12. If you're reading this Franclin, which I know you won't since you don't really bother stuff 'bout me, Mr. Collins actually asked for your name. So you better avoid him next time you see him. (x
  13. Forget my rant of unrelated stuff to our class.
In a nutshell, Mr. Collins shouldn't be fooled by the guys and really is blur. To think that he's always self-perasaning into thinking that he's a great teacher. ==

And don't get too full of yourselves, Jason, Tze Donn and Jun Kid, 'coz you guys are the most aggresive, gay, noisy, braggy, perasan, lame, annoying guys. And NEVER good-looking except for other girls which couldn't find a better guy than you all.

Speaking of Jun Kid, I was telling Nicole the other day that a small part of the guys always wear low trousers. And I said that Jun Kid tried to but failed miserably coz he's too...FAT!! Dx

Oh yeah, can you believe that Jia Ying actually compiled a list of the most gorgeous (PUKE!) guys in our class? (Hope you don't mind that I post it here)

The *ahem* top-7.
  1. XI KHAI!!
  2. TZE DONN!!
  3. JASON!!
  4. ADRIAN!!
  5. YONG TUCK!!
And the other one I forgotten. I even had a hard time remembering the rankings. This...kinda stuff just isn't my thing. I just post it here for entertainment's sake.

Sorry Jun Kid, you just ain't the most-sought guys after all. But my idiotic friend is actually considering you, so you should be glad.

And Tze Donn and Jason, you should be sad that you actually lose to that 'high-pitched voice guy'. In Jia Ying's heart.

Man, what an awesome day!! xD

P/S: Nicole just likes to bully Jason and Tze Donn,
and I just like to tease her about it. (:

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