Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Homework, Homework.

Again, another post about the most-dreaded homework. Surprisingly, there's not much today so here goes:
  1. Ringkasan (Find isi) Pg 66.
  2. English Pg 19, section A and B, questions 1 to 5
  3. Science Exercise, copy tables from Pg 17. Exercise 1.4, also from the same page.
  4. Girls only: Paste KH notes into Buku Nota and for those who haven't asked their parents to sign the from please do so. KH folio, refer to textbook Pg 307, 310 and 316.
The seni rep, Yi Qing, has told me that please bring WATER COLOUR and all the other things to school tomorrow. I have no idea what 'the other things' she's referring to, but I guess it'll be the usual art materials.

You'll noticed that the list of homeworks are more in detailed because Zhen Donq has told me that people has suggested to do so as they did not pay attention in class. ==

Right. Please do your homework on time so that you won't get 'potong markah' by those friggin teachers. (This is directed to Zee Hoe and Cavell)

Again, it's

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