Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's All Just A Race.

  1. Tze San got tripped today, and well, I just hope she's okay by now. (;
  2. Decorating the board/classroom was horror. Wasted two relief period of doing nothing but correcting Jun Kid's artistic craft. Can you believe that he actually stapler the lantern, fish and the weird thing (sorry, I have NO IDEA what's that called) and hang it by the door?
  3. Got pissed off by Jun Kid 'coz the anger that I'm containing was threatening to burst. And it did.
  4. Wanna apologise to him for being mad, but I hope what I've told him today will mean something to him. And that he'll keep it to heart.
  5. Got even madder at Zhen Donq for bringing our school mag, Adrian for being big-mouthed, and also Jason and Tze Donn for knowing. Just because.
  6. A new girl, Qi Cheng, from Lick Hung came in today. Welcome, to the craziest class ever!! xD
  7. Pn. Siti has a really bad temper today and actually pulled Hui Er's ponytail just because she talked to me, Nicole and Qi Cheng. She also asked everyone to stand up and chased off those who wanna give out the numbers for merentas desa. Poor Hui Er!! *sob sob*
  8. Pn. Sumathi gave us a briefing 'bout merentas desa which wasted almost half of the class. :D Which is lucky how most of us didn't do our ringkasan...YET!! Dx
  9. Tze San and Karmen were screaming like hell in the science lab which can be heard over the sound of the thunder and noise. Jason got a new gay partner: Yi Hung!! (x

10. Did I mention that Nicole sit on Jason's place with Tze Donn? Soo Kee saw it too and even SHE herself feels that something smells fishy between these two. ;)

Today's Homework:
  • Sejarah nota.
  • BM ringkasan.
  • Chinese workbook.
  • Chinese caligraphy.
*It can be wrong since I'm not in for the last period. Tell me if there's any mistakes.
**Is there someone who can print the words: English, Bahasa Melayu and 华语 (first ever chinese word!!) BIG in colour papers? If you can please inform me. Thanks. (:

Lastly, good luck to EVERYONE for merentas desa!!







Give it your best peeps,

For life's a long race. (:

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb.

-Hijau rawks, HELL YEAH!!!

1 comment:

  1. nicol3: LUCKYYYYYYYYYYY~!!!UR JUZ BEING PLAIN MEAN~!!!!fuck -.-
