Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat, Zi Heng and Birthday.

Happy Halloween! :)

Halloween. Hmm, I remember I used to make a bag out of paper which is painted in black, with a cute orange pumpkin in the front. And I actually brought it to school, with some sweets, and yelled out 'Trick or treat!' to my friends.

I ended up being the only one who gave out sweets that day. ;)

And nope, I did not go around the neighbourhood asking for sweets. But I DID dressed up with, ironically, a Santa hat with my sister. But I wasn't trying to dress up as Santa, though I've forgotten what I dressed up as. I remember we even took pictures of it. Too bad I don't know where are they now.

I was 11. Those days... (:

Though we did not really celebrate Halloween, but it's supposed to be a fun day for us KIDS. So...Happy Halloween! :D

And it's Zi Heng's birthday today. Happy birthday, Zi Heng, Happy Birthday. (:

It's pretty cool that your birthday falls on the last day of October.

So, trick or treat? ;)


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