Saturday, September 4, 2010

Change for the better;

Heh. Y'know what, maybe QiCheng, SinYun have been telling you guys that you were the same; still not cooperating, still being idiots. But well, maybe that's cause they've been watching over you people all this while. I mean, like, when you live with someone, the person gets taller gradually, but you feel no change. Maybe that's how it is, because I personally feel that you guys have been better. Quieter, more willing to listen.Which is really good. (:

Well, it's really been quite some time since the last I stood out in front to talk to you guys. This time, when I was going on about the outing, I felt that you guys were giving off the feeling of listening. Maybe I still shouted my voice out, but I can tell you, the last time was much much worse. I know some of you weren't really listening, but I think most of you were. And to top it off, there wasn't any stupidly mean insults coming my way this time. Not so much anyways. :D Improvement people, improvement.

Yes, I know you guys still don't give suggestions, still keep your own thought to yourself and only ramble on about stupid stuff; but I was really happy when I ask if there were any objections, quite a number of people raised up their hands. Including some of the boys I thought that would never listen. (: Which means it's good lah, you guys got listen and pay attention. Heh. And after that, when I walked about asking if you people could come, it was okaee.. Quite cooperative; thought not fully. 

One more thing is that, I got nice responses. Especially form the boys I am satisfied. Like Adrian, YiHung, yea. Uhm, well, there was one guy who actually had me pissed off; but forget that. PakMing was just being his stupid self; I don't actually mind though. As long as you people listen, pay attention and give less insults, it's just fine.

But hey. The hugest change I saw was WeiHan and Adrian actually. Change in a good way. but there was this guy who changed for the worse, I was talking and he didn't even seem to care. He used to give a damn but no so now. you may know its you; you may not. Not that I give a damn, you just go keep your head down and be that dude sitting in the corner. 

The one and only disappointing thing this time is... when I asked you people who was sure they couldn't come on both weeks to tell me. You guys didn't, only four or five did. The rest was when I went to their each and every places to ask only did they inform me they couldn't go. -.-

Gah, anyways, good working people. Love you guys. <3

P/S: Zhen Donq, if you are reading this right now, SORRY! >x<

satisfied and happy,

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