Friday, September 17, 2010


Okay, you guys. So. I called up a travel agency (thanks, Xi Khai :D) for the Penang trip. The cheapest hotel rate is RM 298 for two nights. Now, before you guys get pschyed out about how cheap (or expensive) that is...lemme just point out that that's excluding transport and meals. Transport will need a few more hundred, guys. Oh yeah, and the travel agent said that 2 days 1 night won't be enough. There's only a 3 days 2 nights package. So....where does that leave us all? Anyone who sees this post, please ask what your parents think. We're really on a time crunch now. So, PLEASE!!!!!

We're gonna be visiting:
1. Kek Lok Si Temple
2. Nyonya House
3. Penang State Mosque
4. Buddha Temple

I know, it all sounds kinda boring. But who knows? Maybe with friends, it'll be okay :D And no, we can't change the destinations. It's in the package. It's not that easy to arrange a whole Penang trip without a travel package. So, what do you guys think? (:

Qi Cheng (=
P.S. I know this post looks boring. But I was hurrying, okay? Sorry! xD

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

1A1 outing, once again.

1A1 outing at 1U, this time. 

7 people turned up, 4 guys, 3 girls. If you count Jason as a guy, that's it. :D

Kind of surpirsed that the number of guys are more than the number of girls, really. Not that I'm sexist or anything. But I really appreciate those who came from far far away just to come to this outing, and of course those who live near too but bother to come, like ME! xD

So well...thanks guys. I might be kind of annoying, but well. (:

Check out the photos HERE at Facebook.

As for the class trip, people. You might be interested in checking out these sites,

That's all. (:


Sunday, September 12, 2010


Outing's on Tuesday yea. :D

We're watching GrownUps; btw. Cause..well; Airbender no more; Inception time not sesuai. So the only movies left was Cats and Dogs and GrownUps. O: Erh, well. You can tell me if you peeps wanna watch Cats and Dogs; cause we're going to buy it there, since not many people are going. So, if you last minute wanna come also can lah. Heh. (;

And like; I know I'm naggy but; old wing McDonalds, 10 am-4:30pm. Yep. If you're coming late or ffk (you better not; I'll kill you. ._.) at least be considerate and gimme a call, won'tcha. Don't make us wait our asses off yea. Oh yea, coming late; if we move on without you can call us then we find you or you find us; wtv lah. :D

Pretty much it, well. (: C'ya.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Me Againn. (:

Okay, I'm sure you peeps out there are DYING to know how my holiday is. :D

Don't deny, I know you are!! (;

Yeah right. As if I don't know you don't.

Anyways, since I can't leave this whole blog empty without a new update for these two weeks, I decided on updating something.

ALTHOUGH. I asked someone else to update for me. :P

Currently, I'm addicted to Carrie Underwood.

This is what I truly call Country Music...Lady Antebellum is quite nice too, Home Is Where The Heart Is. (:

So yeah. It's been quite a slacking week for me, you know. For those really hardworking people who studied, teach me how to get out of my addiction known as eating + sleeping + watching movies + using the computer.


Wish me luck, peeps.

''Wake 1A1 up, Before September Ends.'' Says Jiaying. 

I have loved you; Jessica Simpson.
Lovely song. :D

Sinyun (:

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Don't you think something is amiss?


Reliased that it's all bout class trips, class outings, but NO holiday posts.

So here's one about it! Wheeee!

95th posts, and it's been September 5 now.

Class Outing, Finals, Class Trip, Class Party (hopefully), and it will mark the end of the year.

The year we've been together.

I'm starting to treasure everything I have don't worry, I'll try and not neglect anyone, anymore. I appreciate your love, really.

And I'm gonna give it back.

1A1 truly gives me hell. In a good way, of course. (':

I will never be the same - if we ever meet again.


Everything else;

*edited* Outing points:
  • 1 Utama
  • Tuesday, 2nd week
  • 10am-4:30pm
  • Meet at old wing McDonalds
  • Choose your movie down there, scroll down, yes, there.
  • Bring student card; maybe can use
  • TELL ME BEFORE  SATURDAY. as soon as possible. thanks.
Anyways, that's probably it.
Any questions can ask; movie stuff ask JiaYing.

nicole (:

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The movie list for the September outing.

It's my second time here, I guess. I haven't been here in a while already.
These are the movies available:
  1.  TMO Phua Chu Kang (The Movie of Phua Chu Kang)
  2. Avatar: The Last Airbender
  3. Vampires Suck
  4. Love In Disguise 恋爱通告
  5. Inception 
  6. Cats and Dogs 2
Okay, here are what I would like to say about the movies:
  1. TMO Phua Chu Kang: Phua Chu Kang, famous for saying 'DON'T PRAY PRAY ARH!' and 'PCK Private and Limited, Best in Singapore, JB and some say Batam'. Worth to watch. :)
  2. Avater, the Last Airbender, he's so cute. Baldy head, with arrow sign thing, and his huge eyes. :D Worth to watch. :)
  3. Vampires Suck (the movie that I vote for), there's Alice in Wonderland and a whole lot of other movies combined together. And, it's really funny, although it's violent. Worth to watch. :)
  4. Love In Disguise, starring LEE HOM! He is so handsome lah. Worth to watch. :)
  5. Inception, I haven't seen it yet, but there are comments from other people who said that it's really a great movie to watch. I saw the trailer and it's really cool too. Kind-of worth to watch. :)
  6. Cats and Dogs 2, I don't really know much about this movie, so yeah. I think it's an animation kind and.. I don't think it's really nice, that's my first impression when I saw the poster of Cats and Dogs 2. Sorry! :(
I vote Vampires Suck! :D
What about you guys? Please give feedback as soon as possible. :)

Long time no see,
Jia Ying. =)

P.S. I've forgotten to get the student cards from you guys' so I guess we have to pay a little bit more, sorry! :(

Change for the better;

Heh. Y'know what, maybe QiCheng, SinYun have been telling you guys that you were the same; still not cooperating, still being idiots. But well, maybe that's cause they've been watching over you people all this while. I mean, like, when you live with someone, the person gets taller gradually, but you feel no change. Maybe that's how it is, because I personally feel that you guys have been better. Quieter, more willing to listen.Which is really good. (:

Well, it's really been quite some time since the last I stood out in front to talk to you guys. This time, when I was going on about the outing, I felt that you guys were giving off the feeling of listening. Maybe I still shouted my voice out, but I can tell you, the last time was much much worse. I know some of you weren't really listening, but I think most of you were. And to top it off, there wasn't any stupidly mean insults coming my way this time. Not so much anyways. :D Improvement people, improvement.

Yes, I know you guys still don't give suggestions, still keep your own thought to yourself and only ramble on about stupid stuff; but I was really happy when I ask if there were any objections, quite a number of people raised up their hands. Including some of the boys I thought that would never listen. (: Which means it's good lah, you guys got listen and pay attention. Heh. And after that, when I walked about asking if you people could come, it was okaee.. Quite cooperative; thought not fully. 

One more thing is that, I got nice responses. Especially form the boys I am satisfied. Like Adrian, YiHung, yea. Uhm, well, there was one guy who actually had me pissed off; but forget that. PakMing was just being his stupid self; I don't actually mind though. As long as you people listen, pay attention and give less insults, it's just fine.

But hey. The hugest change I saw was WeiHan and Adrian actually. Change in a good way. but there was this guy who changed for the worse, I was talking and he didn't even seem to care. He used to give a damn but no so now. you may know its you; you may not. Not that I give a damn, you just go keep your head down and be that dude sitting in the corner. 

The one and only disappointing thing this time is... when I asked you people who was sure they couldn't come on both weeks to tell me. You guys didn't, only four or five did. The rest was when I went to their each and every places to ask only did they inform me they couldn't go. -.-

Gah, anyways, good working people. Love you guys. <3

P/S: Zhen Donq, if you are reading this right now, SORRY! >x<

satisfied and happy,

Thursday, September 2, 2010



  • 14th of September; 
  • 2nd week; Tuesday;
  • Probably around 10 to 4, 5 or 6. Will have to see into it later;
  • going 1utama for we already went to Pyramid last time
  • Only movie and lunch are confirmed. Others will depend on the number of people;
  • Maybe arcade, bowling or even just window shopping. Still depends on the cumber of people;
  • Movie; you guys choose. majority wins;
  • Maybe meet up at entrance? Or where do you guys usually meet when you go 1U? For me, its McDonald's. ._. ;
  • Any other suggestions of what to do can tell;

still here, 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Yeah yeah, I'm back with nagging you guys about where to go. I'm starting to reconsider going to Tanjung Sepat, sound OK to y'all? I know some of you are still DYING to go to Dusun Eco(OK, these people, can you stop bugging me?!!), but because of the rat-urine-disease-whatever thingy, we can't go there. Simple as that. 'Cos Mr.Collins already set his foot down and made a decision.

So, Mr. Collins is telling me to decide on a destination by Friday. See that? FRIDAY. Which means we need to decide. FAST. I'm just saying that maybe Tanjung Sepat is not such a bad choice after all. Like Sin Yun said, factories and all that boring stuff, right? It's educational. Sort of.

Tanjung Sepat. Whatever. Up to you guys. But this offer is valid until Friday ONLY. Or else we're going to the beach. Technically speaking, but Mr.Collins won't let us go anywhere near water. =.=

Thinking about loads of stuff,
Qi Cheng

P.S. Please decide. You guys are giving me a headache. Not really. Just metaphorically.

Outingg. :D

Yes, you are right; we are having another outing in the two weeks holidayy.. :) The venue is 1U, so to be fair to those who didn't manage to go because it was in Pyramid. D:

Maybe some of you can't come because you wanna study and don't wanna spare even one day off; can't blame you. Or your parents say going to class trip is enough-if we even get it done. So I don't exactly expect much people but I hope you people can try to come yea, especially guys. I don't wanna see XiKhai being the only boy here again eh you people. 

Wanna come; tell me. Don't ask what are we gonna do, cause it's gonna depend on the number of people coming. Probably another movie; which I will need someone who is familiar with 1U to help out. 

Will update bloggie on this some time. Any suggestions can tell yea. (:


trying again;
nicole (: