Saturday, August 21, 2010

Class Trip - Information about Dusun Eco Resort ( Not confirmed )

P/S: I am not Nicole nor am I Sin Yun :D

No one cares who I am anyways..

Sin Yun, Nicole and Li Qian wants me to update this blog..

Shengxin's fart is.. outrageous.. omg..

Uber loud

( I'm so not supposed to blog about Shengxin's fart so.. D: )

But I know you guys wanna smell and listen to his epic fart! ( I KNOW YOU DO :D )

Okay enough with the farting (everyone does fart, their just isn't as special and unique as this epic shengxin fart xD )

Class trip, Dusun Eco Resort!

Okay I think Adrian's being stupid.

What he said was: " I've never been there.. So I don't want to go there."

I have not been to KLCC, so I don't want to go there.
I have not been to the United States, so I don't want to go there.
I have not been to Japan, so I don't want to go there.
I have not been to my friend's house, so I don't want to go there.


Activities at Dusun Eco Resort :

1. Paintball
2. Obstacle Course
3. Swimming Pool & Jungle Trekking
4. Water Sports ( Kayak )
5. Rock Climbing & Abseiling / Repelling
6. Flying Fox & Vietnam Bridge

And we can discuss with the organizers for our own activities. :D

1. Paintball - RM35.00 per person -> Not recommended as there are weak girls in our class D:
2. Obstacle Course - RM200.00 for 40 people -> Which means that RM5 for each person.  Highly Recommended! Fun obstacles which include : 
  • Wall
  • One Step Ladder
  • Straight Walk
  • Spider Net
  • Side Walk
  • One Step Swing
  • Titian Balak
  • Kargo Net
  • Tyre Loop
  • Balancing 'V'
  • Commando Crawl
  • Commando Crop
 3. Jungle Trekking - RM100 for 40 people (1 or 2 hours trek) or RM200 for 40 people (3 hours trek) -> Recommended too! But night trekking is much more exciting.. Go for the 2 hours trek, RM100 for 40 people = RM2.50 per person! Cheap cheap :D

4. Kayak - RM200 for 40 people -> We get to make our own bamboo rafts and if we fail, we can swim around in the cold water which is still awesome. 

5. Rock Climbing & Repelling -> RM15.00 per adult and RM10.00 per student -> Not really recommended because of its price and not sure if it's still available or it's spoiled.

6. Flying Fox & Vietnam Bridge - Flying Fox , RM200.00 for 40 people (RM5.00/pax)- Flying Fox, I think it's spoiled by the group of teachers from our school that went there. Don't know if it's repaired though. Vietnam Bridge, better known as 'Jambatan Gantung'. It's a really nice bridge and we can force all the girls to go :D (with the accompany of guys, that is. :p


You still don't know who I am.. Who cares.. :x

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