Friday, June 4, 2010


Blablabla. Sejarah. PJK. Geography. Just cut that crabs out!! ;p


Enjoy yourselves, relax and have fun, and never give a damn bout exams anymore. They're not worth your time, so stop looking for answers in your Sejarah Textbook.

Psh. Why can't something interesting happen in our class like other classes do? They were celebrating their freedom from Pn. Atariah when I was busy...squeezing PJK facts in my tiny brain.

OH yeah, why am I talking bout exams anyways? :x

And ps, I'm NOT going to school on the first day of school after holidays, I will be still in Sabah visiting relatives, and the bad thing is that EVERYONE will know my results before I even get to know it. Oh gawd, NO.

Btw PKT, rmb to take the keys, write attendance, tell the attendance to Mr. Collins, lock the door, put the key back, and do whatever stuff that I usually do. :D

On a side note, CONFIRM VENUE, YOUR CHOICE OF MOVIE AND DAY with either (preferably) nicole or me. I'm too lazy to actually bother 'bout outing stuff. Go bug nicole bah. Current venue will be at Sunway (Sorry BU-ians) on the second week of Monday, which would be the 14th of May. AND THOSE WHOSE PARENTS DON'T ALLOW YOU TO GO, BEG 'EM. Which reminds me, I've got to do something to convince my parents too. 

ANYWAYS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!! I love how we can actually enjoy our holidays WITHOUT any homework. (:

PPS:Happy Birthday to Tzesan and Jun Kid!

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