Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I heard people saying they kinda beh song me/nicole when we MENTION their names in our blog posts.

Don't tell me you guys actually enjoyed the perasan and long winded rants bout myself?! I will have to blog bout something that includes ALL of us.

Sure, the gossips that I 'sort of started' ain't that good, but it's not my fault if gossips seems to be going on everyday in class. (x

Okay, partially my fault. xD I feel that my level of trust people gave me has decreased a whole lot. -.-

Take a good look and try knowing me. I'm not that shallow as you think. But I can't change how you feel bout me. Oh well.

I forgot to tell you guys that if you realised that I haven't link you, either I forgot to do so, lost the address you gave me or the link wouldn't work. So please give it to me again through the Cbox.

Lastly, HOMEWORK!!! (:

There's only KH for girls so enjoy your holidays to the fullest, peeps. :DD

Life rocks for now.

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