Wednesday, March 31, 2010

just a small reminder ;)

since currently i have nothing better to do...just wanna tell you guys, think twice before doing anything tomorrow. heh, i'm just too good a girl to tell you guys this. x) if you still don't get it, i hope you fall into the drain or something. -.-

anddd...yea tze donn, i burnt your OMR paper. xD punishment for sitting at my place, being a moron, looking through my stuff, being an asshole, trying to snatch my bag, being reali mean, almost got me into trouble with Pn. Susan, being noob, making Li Qian jealous, being dumb, thinking you know stuff that you actually don't, being stupid, not full-filling Qi Cheng and my's wishes, being an idiot, getting hit by me without hitting back. i guess dats pretty much it. lazy type more stuff ady, want go read bleach. re-read. ==

oh yeah, if any of you people know some good mangas', tell me. i need them. desperately. i've already been told to do sudoku, but i always fail, so, no thanks.== i'm bad with those kinda stuff. ._.

gonna be bad 2molo though,
nicol3 x)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

manga:bleach x)

well, since nothing is actually happening here..i'd like to introduce something totally AWESOME to you people..xD

I'm sure most of you heard sin yun screaming like some mad woman sometimes ehh....?thats cause i mentioned 1 word-Bleach. see how awesome it is? it makes people go crazyy~(okay, maybe just sin yun==)

when the word 'bleach' goes into your brain.... you'd probably think of, oh the damn stuff that makes my clothes white. whats so good 'bout that?if you DO think like that, then, sorry to say, your shallow~>_< white haori, taichous/captains. that's what you should think of. shinigami-death gods. =3

anyways, yeah, your right, i'm so bored i'm promoting bleach to you guys..=3 so if your bored, go read it. tite kubo should thank me for this.=X

  • kurosaki ichigo, the strawberry xD
  • kuchiki rukia, sin yun's fav char...==
  • uryuu ishida, the nerd
  • chad yasutaro, the...strong but silent..?
  • orihime inoue, the damsel in distress...-.-
  • and...go read yourself =3

well, warning here~lots of blood. gore and stuff like that. x) but no one dies, sadly...if you think thats too bloody, too cruel or brutal (so says my ge -sigh-) for your fragile mind to contain...go read kateyo hitman reborn.^^ not so much blood or gore, people getting annihilated(kinda) so nothing much bloody here...x)

there. i posted something tze donn. satisfied..? i know your a naruto fan but bleach is much better than naruto. reborn is better too, for that matter.==

bleach fan, toshiro fan x)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back to Normal.

If I could get a dollar every time I said I don't wanna go to school, I would be a millionaire.


Guess I don't have to worry about my allowance anymore. xD

Sure, playing computer and watching TV about almost every retarded day isn't something I like, but it's better than sitting through my mum's lecture when my results ain't up to her expectations.

I WILL have to put up with that sooner or later. I have long since gave up any hope to score in BM and KH.

Torture, here I come.

The funniest thing in our class is that they only comment when the blog is dead. No, not comment, whine. Yeah.

Maybe I shouldn't update anymore. xP

Not like there's someone who actually wants to read my post. So people, comment. Any useless or stupid stuff will do. Sometime Nicole and I even wonder whether you guys check the blog or not.

So tell us that you do. (:


Calligraphy - 6 pages if you're hardworking, 2 when you're not. Remember, THE 20 marks. I'm not so sure too, sorry!!

KH (for girls) - Fill in the forms and prepare to train your legs if you think you can't score. Just so happens to be me. :P

Screw calligraphy. I had 2 more pages to go.

You know, I had a whole new image on Adam Lambert after watching Oprah today.

I used to think that he was gay, abnormal, girlish, weird, but a good singer nonetheless.

And now. He's got style, good character, has his own personality, he's DIFFERENT. And he can sing live really well, unlike Taylor Swift, seriously.

Which is a pity since he can be quite good-looking without his girlish hairdos and black eyeliner.==

Susan Boyle was just, amazinnng. A pity since she started out fairly late, but like my sister said, it's never too late for her. (:

Thanks for wasting 3 minutes of your precious life reading my ramblings, and 30 seconds to read this sentence. And you're about to waste another 1 minute thinking that you've wasted your time. xD

Since you've wasted so much time, why don't use your time to do something worthwhile?

Like wishing someone a happy birthday?

Happy Birthday, Zee Hoe, don't keep rushing your homework all the time, because,

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. (:

Adios!! :D


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I heard people saying they kinda beh song me/nicole when we MENTION their names in our blog posts.

Don't tell me you guys actually enjoyed the perasan and long winded rants bout myself?! I will have to blog bout something that includes ALL of us.

Sure, the gossips that I 'sort of started' ain't that good, but it's not my fault if gossips seems to be going on everyday in class. (x

Okay, partially my fault. xD I feel that my level of trust people gave me has decreased a whole lot. -.-

Take a good look and try knowing me. I'm not that shallow as you think. But I can't change how you feel bout me. Oh well.

I forgot to tell you guys that if you realised that I haven't link you, either I forgot to do so, lost the address you gave me or the link wouldn't work. So please give it to me again through the Cbox.

Lastly, HOMEWORK!!! (:

There's only KH for girls so enjoy your holidays to the fullest, peeps. :DD

Life rocks for now.


I know you guys are waiting for this forever.

So well, here goes. :)


Yeah, yeah. I'm 4 days late to celebrate the start of our freedom.

4 days late to see how crazy you guys were, how you guys were high gei-ing, and how slow msn and facebook were due to the huge amount of people being online.

I seriously can't believe I missed out all the fun man. But camp was great, though I don't really have the chance to talk to Nicole. (sigh)

I think I did quite well in sejarah, better than I expected, but maths. Maths was HORROR. I wasn't 'in the mood' to do maths, and I got a bad feelin' I will score badly. And KH, it's better if I start training my legs this holidays.

Blah Blah. Why the hell am I talking bout EXAMS, when I can finally relax and don't give a damn thing bout it??

I don't really see people stressing BEFORE the exams, but after exams, that's another different story. :P

And that person happens to be me.

I actually spelt 3 answers wrongly for sejarah, and I recognise the alat wrongly for KH, and I get confused coz my calculation for maths is too messy, and for geo, I got the answer right but thought it isn't during the last minute?

Hell. Days of studying and hardwork and all you get is the feeling of slapping your own forehead HARD?

Wait. Why am I talking bout exams again??

I can't change things that I'm not in control of, you can't too, so let's not think bout it, shall we?

But after the holidays it's time for us to know our bad results.

Gosh. There I go again. xD

In case you guys didn't know, last wednesday happens to be the birthday of an obnoxious guy who LOVES to flirt with girls. A.k.a,


Hope you'll be drown by presents from your, *ahem*, admirers.

Not that you have any. :D

And I'm turning 13 today, so well,

Happy Birthday to me. (:

I updated 'soon' enough, huh?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

lol....sin yun too rajin jor study study untill never update for so damn long ady...@_@ im just plain lazy, sry people....=X

anyways...exams started :DD~ all of you people ready for it..?O_O don't online so much sia~go mencontohi our good kt...=)

2 papers over already...after chinese, people looked like they where dying, or already dead...>,< but then....ENGLISH~ whee~=3 quite easy but there are a few kinda-hard questions also....imma fail my chinese...=P

well, for some people, chinese might be easy and english might be hard but i dunno lar, maybe we're just different species or something....

okayyy...people, just go studystudystudy~~~untill your brains burst or something...@_@

good luck and jyjy people~=D

so gonna win d bet wit tze donn,
nicoli33 @.@