Saturday, January 30, 2010

(: Credits

First of all, I would like to thank my beloved sister, Yiyun, for making the blog header and for her guidance and assistance while creating this blog. Thanks a bunch, you know that you rock. (;

A very big thank you to Nicole for suggesting the idea of creating a class blog and putting lots of effort in it. I know that you don't have much time to update, but I understand and will appreciate every crazy entry you post. =3

Adrian, for volunteering to post rubbish and lame stuff in the blog to fill in his free time while him and Zhen Donq bugged me to create the blog every day at school. Thank you for your, uh, contribution. xD

Last but not least, Sinyun for using most of her computer/homework time to create this *ahem* wonderful blog. (It feels kinda weird to thank yourself). And to every single one of the 1a1ians. Without these superb people, this class blog will never exist to begin with.

Yours truly,

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