Saturday, November 27, 2010



Hope you have a happy and awesome day, not just today, but the days to come too. :)

I remember everyone, or at least, me, was very excited when you first came to CHS.

I wonder what will it be like if you did not end up being in CHS, really.

Happy Birthday, Hui Er.

Happy Birthday. :)

Ps: Aiyooo class party, anyone? It's still on btw, probably  in the middle of December.

Sin Yun

Sunday, November 21, 2010



Hehe hope you had a great day today! Wheee!

Ddfsdfdsjfhksdjhf Lee Chong Wei LOST! D:

I don't know whether I should be sad or angry.

Oh well. Let's stick to being disappointed. :(

Hmmm. Spent the day doing wordsearch in the puzzle book I've or two years ago? Had a nice and relaxed day, finally, but i was a teeny bit hyper when I was watching the match. Ah, forget teeny. I was pretty bummed out when there's such a huge difference between the scores.

It feels really great, actually, watching badminton with my family. :)

Heeeh, hope you guys are having a great holiday, whether you're doing wordsearch or spending time with your family or away for holidays.

2010. Mmhmm. :)

PS: Check out Jia Ying's blog. Photos are REALLY awesome! ;D

Sin Yun.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Class Party.


because it is kind of rushed, and that a lot of people couldn't make it.

Is December okay for everyone? Tell us roughly from when to when are you free. Or from when to when are you not free.

Thank You. :)

Ps: Help spread the word. If everything goes well, it will be nice if anyone would like to help out in the food and deco. It's a class party, after all. :D

Sin Yun.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hey 1A1ians.

Oh first thing first. :)


Oh and of course. 


Somehow, even until today, I still have this thought that I will be going back to school tomorrow. Or about two more weeks later. Just a short holiday for us. Probably having exams after that.

Hey 1A1ians, it's already the end of the year. 11 months together, all of us. It feels like 11 days, to be honest. It feels as if the first day of school just passed and I just volunteered myself as a KT.

Hmm. Imagine. We're all gonna be seniors next year. ;)

I think what really makes this year so memorable, it's that two of us will be leaving. They're not only leaving us, friends and the people they find comfortable with, but their home too. Have a great time there, Dollicia and Jia Ying. Even without us. Hehe. x)

Really looking forward to the class party, and I hope everyone can come! Parties are nice, there's so many things you can do. Talking, laughing, playing a fool, bullying people, anything. Oh and yes, I will remember to charge my camera battery on that day. ;)

Outing was really awesome. The best, really. Karaoke was fun, although I think we shouted too loudly. Never once I sweat so much during an outing, thanks to the hide and seek for the crown 'game'. Thank to Qi Cheng for the member card, really. Or else we would have to pay a lot. x) Too bad Yun Yee, Karmen and Soo Kee couldn't come. Sorry for not being able to celebrate your birthday, really.

I'm just gonna say, 1A1 certainly leaves me a lot of memories and realisations. There's things that you can do nothing about it, sometimes. Just let it be. 

We've been through a lot, really.

From Hari Sukan crazy digging-a-grave days, to April Fools writing-fake-love-letters days, to being kiasu and aiming to collect the most newspapers (which we got a hamper for it), to working really hard for the board decorations and ended up getting first prize, to being one of the participating classes in the form one team for the Drama Competition ( granted, it was only me, Yi Qing and Jason who participated, but there's still others who helped out in the end, and also supported), to Qi Cheng's birthday party, Xin Ping's birthday bash, the disastrous outings, and an awesome one too, and lots more!

Jia Ying, Nicole, Xi Khai, Dollicia, Song Lynn, Jun Kid, Wei Zhe, Soo Kee, Yi Qing, Yong Zheng, Zi Heng, Cavell, Li Qian, Seng Lim, Yi Hung, Ann Chi, Chang Lam, Ying Ying, Shengxin, Xin Ping, Adrian, Tze Donn, Karmen, Hui Er, Wei Kee, Chia Shuen, Pak Ming, Chang Koon, Qi Cheng, Yong Tuck, Tze San, Jason, Zee Hoe, Yun Yee, Yee Teng, Zhen Donq, Wei Han.

You guys have been great, really. Despite what I always say. 

Ps: Please continue to check out the blog from time to time, even though we will most probably be in different classes next year. I can't promise you that I will update every month, it's just that when you have the urge to read the blog, do type out the address. We may not be in 1A1 next year, but that doesn't mean we were never in 1A1 before.

Sin Yun.

Outing; again.

It was awesome. I don't regret one bit going to this time's outing. Okay, maybe a teensy bit, where we wasted some time in the morning. ._. But other that, it was great! Maybe cause there wasn't any boys but XiKhai who was very cooperative. ;D

I was still the first to reach still, damnit. ._______. RedBox was awesome...!!! Dollicia, you missed it; wheeeee! >< Sad that HuiEr had to go home early blehh.. But for the first time; I got to hear XiKhai's singing! Hehe. He sang real nice weihs. Like, awesome. ;P Although he only solo-ed one song with QiCheng somewhat singing at the background? It was great though. -claps hands- 

I'm actually glad that not many people came this time, but the cooperative ones. I mean, we had so much fun without any trouble makers. Well, photos are with JiaYing and Keychain, cause Yun's camera ran out of battery half-way through. Typical SinYun. D:

To those who came, thankyou. You guys made me not regret this day and gave me some awesome memories. Even though I suck at singing. ._. :D 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's byebye! :D

Heh, I know I haven't update for long looooooong time, but I'm just lazy. x] So, excuse me yeahh.. :X Well, a year has passed like, fast. I've already accepted this miserable life of mine, thanks to Dollicia. Maybe I'd have reject it again, now that she's gone. .__. Anyways, this year was quite meaningful. I guess. In a pissy way. D:

And uh, grats to all the prefects, for getting in. Proud of you guys, which all got in. And, nevermind it JiaYing. You can be one in Australia! 8D

Maybe we can't meet each other anymore, but we can still stay connected through internet, I guess. Especially for JiaYing and Dollicia.. Will always remember you guys huh, so just stay in touch. x]

And on with the crap. Our outing and party.

  • Thursday
  • 18th November
  • 11:00a.m-5:30p.m.
  • Sunway Pyramid
  • Meeting at Starbucks
  • Sunday/Monday
  • 21st/22nd November (Vote for one of these days)
  • 2:00p.m-7:00p.m.
  • TzeSan's house: No15 and 17, Persiaran Bukit Tinggi, Taman Panyewlai, 58200, K.L

That's it. If anything else, questions and such, can ask me or Keychain. :D And if you're wondering, The No15 and 17 of TzeSan's house is cause it's two houses together. Oh and Cik Noor Shahizan also invited us to her wedding, which falls on 19 of December, I think. I'll post about it later, cause I'm lazy to get the invitation now. ._.

I pwned you;

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Birthday, Party.

First of all.


Heeeh. I hope you're reading this right now, Chia Shuen, since I don't have any psychic abilities to wish you right now, although I did wish you yesterday. x)

And secondly.


Mainly because very few people has gotten back to me about the time they're available, or whether they can go or not. A lot of them has already know about the party, thanks to Jia Ying, but has not yet confirmed about it. Most of the very little people who has confirmed with me are not available, and also because I don't think many people are keen about the idea.

Sighs. I'm sorry, guys. Maybe if you guys really want to have a party, we can possibly organise one during the holidays.

That's all. :)

Happy Birthday, Chia Shuen. Always know that I am your friend. :D

Sin Yun.

Friday, November 12, 2010

IMPORTANT! Our last chance.

Heyoo! :D Sin Yun here, again.

As everyone knows, Jia Ying and Dollicia will be leaving us soon. I know that everyone has their holiday plans, and Dollicia might not be able to stay here during the holidays, so I wanted to have a party for them.

To show that everyone will always be by their side. :)

It's either this Saturday or Sunday, depending on which day you want. You can tell me online, or leave a message on the cbox. I will try to find a time which suits everyone, since I want as many people to come as possible.

It's will be at Domino's, in front of CHS, so I hope transport won't be a problem. Time would be roughly after noon, since lots of people have activities on Saturday, and church on Sunday. Oh wait. We can't make it on Saturday,  since it's already 10pm now. .___.

I forgot. Heeeeh. ;)

Anyways, I know this came as a short notice, but although they would possibly come and visit us for the next remaining years, I would like to have everyone gather together and spend the remaining time with them happily and memorably. For some guys, you will think it'll be boring, but hey, we won't be one hundred percent in the same class next year. We all have our friends, so let's us bond together, spend time with two of our classmates, before the year ends.

Of course, you guys can also bring cards and board games and stuff, without having to worry if there's a spot check. x) But I think it will be better if we talk and bond first la. :)

So people, please, give yourself a chance. :D

Ps:  If you're reading this NOW, I hope you will pass on the word to your friends, since I don't think everyone reads the blog, heeeh. Thankyou! :D

Oh, and please check the blog every now and then for new updates. And tell me what time are you free, or whether or not you are free, FAST! :)

Sin Yun. :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Reminiscing the memories, sad ones and happy ones.

Hi 1A1-ians, this is Jia Ying!
I haven't been updating this blog in quite a while already.
Most of the post are from Sin Yun. (THANK YOU SIN YUN!)
Argh, feel so sad lah, not many people really care about this blog, except the mighty Sin Yun!
And sometimes, a little bit from Nicole too!
Okay, done ranting.

Well, just want to shout out:
Thanks for the memories, 1A1!

Really, sincerely.
I had a wonderful year.
Remember the first day?
When everyone didn't know each other.
We were total strangers by then.
But now, we're really close. :)
I have the feeling like we've known each other since we were born, really.

When I became a probation prefect, I didn't really get to talk to all the people in the class.
I feel sorry to you guys.
Now, I know how you guys feel when I'm not a probation prefect anymore.
It really irritates me, sort of, when I want to know what's happening in the Prefectorial Board, but I can't, I'll try my best to understand that I can't know the things in the Prefectorial Board..

Well, even though I didn't get to be really close with a few people, I will still remember you guys as a part of my life.
Keep in touch, 1A1.
Hey, you know what?
I think we need a 1A1 group on Facebook.
Sin Yun, are you thinking what I'm thinking? *nudge nudge* :D

Oh, about the exam results.
I'm trying not to think about it anymore.
We've tried our best, we strived for the best.
But if you didn't manage to achieve what you aimed for, IT'S OKAY!
Try again and again.
Albert Einstein - "One had to cram all this stuff into one's mind for the examinations, whether one liked it or not. This coercion had such a deterring effect on me that, after I had passed the final examination, I found the consideration of any scientific problems distasteful to me for an entire year."
I googled that Albert Einstein quote just for this post. xD
And one more quote that I really like:
Thomas A. Edison - "I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Good night and good bye, everyone! :)
Have a great Deepavali.
P.S. I'm really sorry if you think that this post was just a waste of space. I just wanted to express my feelings. :)
Jia Ying

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So, happy deepavali people!

5 days holiday ftw! :D

Finally a real holiday without the need to worry ourselves with exams or exams results. :)

Hmm, just wanna say that, even though I'm now a probay, I'm not going to forget you guys. I know that since I became a probay I did not talk to you guys as frequently as I did before, but you guys still mean a lot to me, whether there's this probay thingy between us.

That includes you too, Jia Ying. :)

Deepavali valthukal! 

*happy deepavali in tamil. And yes, I googled it. :P

Sinyun. :)