Well, I shall post this in a less sampat way. This has a less sampat greeting to you guys, after all.
So um, the reason I post this was 'cos I got some coaxing and hinting from annchi and chiashuen.
HAHA, i know you are reading this.
Well, they say they checked this blog once in a while, so well, this post is for them. And to you if you're currently reading this. This is my way of saying thank you. :)
Anyway, I spent 5 minutes trying to get the right password. Imagine me like, what, wrong password? NO!
But look at me, I still managed to sign in and post this. After all, ************.
HAHAHAHAH. That was the password. Try guessing what was it. If you know, well, shhh, don't tell anyone. Let it be your dirty little secret.
Whoops, off topic.
So, yunyee, chiashuen, annchi and I were talking about how everyone of us changed.
And we really do. Change I mean. Change is always inevitable, after all. It's a matter of how well the people around you can adapt to it.
Some of us change for the better and some of us change for the worse.
But we can't really be the judge of it. Whether someone change for the better or for the worse, it's only the person alone who can be the judge. And we, the people around it, can only watch as we either get closer or further away from that someone.
And if we're close to that someone, maybe, we can say a word of reminder to the said person.
But it's up to the person - to change or to not to change.
Well, if there's anything that won't change, it's this - we were all once in the same class, when we first entered CHS.
PS: Jiayou to all debate competition participants. We all can do it! And yes I still haven't write my zhubiangao and the competition is tomorrow. :x I will, maybe at midnight or something. As long as it's later. Hah.