Sunday, June 19, 2011

Still alive.


Well, I shall post this in a less sampat way. This has a less sampat greeting to you guys, after all.

So um, the reason I post this was 'cos I got some coaxing and hinting from annchi and chiashuen.

HAHA, i know you are reading this.

Well, they say they checked this blog once in a while, so well, this post is for them. And to you if you're currently reading this. This is my way of saying thank you. :)

Anyway, I spent 5 minutes trying to get the right password. Imagine me like, what, wrong password? NO!

But look at me, I still managed to sign in and post this. After all, ************.

HAHAHAHAH. That was the password. Try guessing what was it. If you know, well, shhh, don't tell anyone. Let it be your dirty little secret.

Whoops, off topic.

So, yunyee, chiashuen, annchi and I were talking about how everyone of us changed.

And we really do. Change I mean. Change is always inevitable, after all. It's a matter of how well the people around you can adapt to it.

Some of us change for the better and some of us change for the worse.

But we can't really be the judge of it. Whether someone change for the better or for the worse, it's only the person alone who can be the judge. And we, the people around it, can only watch as we either get closer or further away from that someone.

And if we're close to that someone, maybe, we can say a word of reminder to the said person.

But it's up to the person - to change or to not to change.

Well, if there's anything that won't change, it's this - we were all once in the same class, when we first entered CHS.


PS: Jiayou to all debate competition participants. We all can do it! And yes I still haven't write my zhubiangao and the competition is tomorrow. :x I will, maybe at midnight or something. As long as it's later. Hah.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Makeover and Holidays.

I'm done.


So I added some photos at the sidebar. Going through those old made me laugh, really. So many great memories.


Soo Kee said that maybe we can have another 1A1 outing? Hmmm. You all decide. With all those camps and activities and all that cramped into this one-week holiday, I don't think we can have another one. A fun outing unlike the one which is like, epic fail. Oh well. :)

PS: 1A1 outing; The Third's photo was taken by Jia Ying. Oh wait, it's the dude in burger king. Aiyoo dunno lah. Cannot credit it down there since they'll automatically resize the photo into a smaller one. Sorry!

PSS: I know, there's the fourth outing, Xin Ping's party and the photos in school. But right now I don't have much time. I have to rush my piano homework...Ewww.


Saturday, January 29, 2011



Chang Lam and...oh there's no one else! ;P

And happy CNY people! :D those who's rich and happily married, be kind to share and give! :)

I'm kinda happy to see that some of the 1A1ians still remain together and having recess with each other.

Since I'm in a rush to have my dinner, -GOSH I AM HUNGRY-, I'll leave today's post short and simple.

Wait..and happy birthday to Yi Hung too! :D

1A1'2010. I'm glad almost everyone turn out for mr. collins farewell party. It's nice seeing us together once in a while, eh? :)

-Sin Yun 

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Gahhh... It's another year, yet again.. :/ Feeling kind of excited; wanting to see you guys again :) Even though I just happen to be in the class with least 1A1'10-ians. =.= 

mhmm.. We're not 1A1-ians anymore, I guess.. :) But, no matter, we'll still be a part of 1A1 here, in this blog at least, where we are and will always be of 1A1 family. xD It doesn't matter if you're 2A1 2A2 or 2A3 or 2B1 or anything. Let's just stay friends the way we were, cause you can't wipe out the memories we created for the past year. Let's be there for each other, even when we aren't in the same class no more. Not being in the same class doesn't mean not being friends right? x]

I'll always be here for any of you guys, any 1A1'10-ian. We maybe different classes, different schools, different states and even different countries, but we'll still be a part of this 38+1 family. Idk if Mr. Collins counts so, yea. We'll probably move on, make new friends, be a part of another class, another family. But at least, guys, remember, the people who were in the same classroom as you when you first  came to school, who shared the first year Catholic High with you. We have memories, which are important.. Maybe there was a time here where you hated one another's guts. Maybe you still hate that person now. Well, not exactly my problem, but I hope you can remember each other as friends,as classmates who shared a full year together.. :)

Most of us will still be in the same school and all, but I hope all of us can keep in touch.. Maybe we can have a few gatherings here and then, meet up again to chat up and refresh old memories. We have probably all changed in this one year, and if even a single person of 1A1'10 wasn't here, you wouldn't be how you are now. Maybe you think some people never really affect you, but they prolly did, at least, a bit.

I want to really thank you guys, sincerely, for you people have helped me reach where I am now today.You guys have shaped what you now see of this Nicole typing away at her keyboard now. Maybe you don't like me the way I am, but you took a place in making who I am now. I hope we can all take place to make each other better people in the future and such..

And of course, I apologize for criticizing everyone one of you, when I yelled t you guys, when I screamed my lungs out and when I said you guys are the most uncooperative bunch of people. I may not be all wrong, but I am still correct, I believe. Also, the ones who I have personally insulted and criticize, sorreh~ :P I hope you guys got something out of my blabbering >< xD

Well, 2010 is a year where I met you guys, so I love this year. I left a lot of my friends but I met a lot of friends too. Dollicia, JiaYing, may be leaving us, but they'll still be in our hearts, I believe. I trust you guys to be awesome people and achieve awesome things and thus, I can go out and say: "HEY! I KNEW THAT PERSON! I WAS THAT GUY'S CLASSMATE SOMETIME AGO!" :)

hm. I'm wondering if anyone will actually read this post.. This might even be the last post I'll ever be posting. xD Well, if you're reading this right now, remember to check on us now and again, especially on holidays, in tune to which we may have some gatherings. ^^

P.S You guys had better come! I still have your phone numbers so I might just call you to nag you to death yet. xD

I'm awesome, cause you guys were there to make me awesome xD

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Another beginning ;

So...hey guys! :)

I know, one day late to wish you guys a Merry Christmas! Had a really busy day yesterday, heheheh.

And yes, I don't want my last post here to be nagging you guys about class party. Sorry to disappoint those who wanted to go but well, due to the number of people who can make it, and the time, there won't be any class party.

But. There will always be the memories. Great and bad ones, of course. :)

Have a great year ahead everyone! And..bon voyage, Jia Ying and Dollicia!

Find your guiding inspiration
In a place where dreams are made
With a lifetime's preparation
It’s no time to be afraid
Put our differences behind us
While we shine like a star
See what we've all become
Together we are one

See what we've all become...together we are one. :)

PS: I was thinking of changing the header, since it's kind of old. But well...I have a pretty bad feeling that this will be an abandoned blog next year. The memories still stay, of course. 

PPS: PPS makes me think of pps stream, haha. x) So, anyone going for orientation besides the prefects? 

Sin Yun :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Birthday! (:

Happy birthday, Yun Yee!
Smiles always.
Hope you don't still drink blood. O_O
It's been a great year with you, all the best!
Cheers, y'all! :DD

Saturday, November 27, 2010



Hope you have a happy and awesome day, not just today, but the days to come too. :)

I remember everyone, or at least, me, was very excited when you first came to CHS.

I wonder what will it be like if you did not end up being in CHS, really.

Happy Birthday, Hui Er.

Happy Birthday. :)

Ps: Aiyooo class party, anyone? It's still on btw, probably  in the middle of December.

Sin Yun

Sunday, November 21, 2010



Hehe hope you had a great day today! Wheee!

Ddfsdfdsjfhksdjhf Lee Chong Wei LOST! D:

I don't know whether I should be sad or angry.

Oh well. Let's stick to being disappointed. :(

Hmmm. Spent the day doing wordsearch in the puzzle book I've or two years ago? Had a nice and relaxed day, finally, but i was a teeny bit hyper when I was watching the match. Ah, forget teeny. I was pretty bummed out when there's such a huge difference between the scores.

It feels really great, actually, watching badminton with my family. :)

Heeeh, hope you guys are having a great holiday, whether you're doing wordsearch or spending time with your family or away for holidays.

2010. Mmhmm. :)

PS: Check out Jia Ying's blog. Photos are REALLY awesome! ;D

Sin Yun.